Use "domineer|domineered|domineering|domineers" in a sentence

1. Blustery: 1 adj blowing in violent and abrupt bursts “a cold Blustery day” Synonyms: blustering , blusterous stormy (especially of weather) affected or characterized by storms or commotion adj noisily domineering; tending to browbeat others Synonyms: bullying domineering tending to domineer

2. The television tower domineers the city.

3. The castle domineers over the town.

4. Bossy: 1 adj offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power “a Bossy way of ordering others around” Synonyms: autocratic , dominating , high-and-mighty , magisterial , peremptory domineering tending to domineer

5. He tried to domineer over everyone.

6. The king domineers over his people.

7. The minister domineers over his inferiors.

8. He domineered, and the rest of us hated it.

9. Bossy definition is - inclined to domineer : dictatorial

10. Big boys sometimes domineer over the younger pupils.

11. She is not a domineering mother.

12. She found him arrogant and domineering.

13. I feel Mollys domineer is easily misinterpreted by clients.

14. Big boys sometimes domineer their younger brothers and sisters.

15. He is a domineering sort of fellow.

16. She said you were domineering and rude.

17. What do you think, bossy and domineering?

18. My mother has a very domineering personality.

19. I wouldn't work for someone who tries to domineer as Mr.

20. A Communist must never be opinionated or domineering.

21. Synonyms for Browbeat include bulldoze, bully, cow, hector, intimidate, badger, coerce, domineer, dragoon and oppress

22. He's violent, yes, domineering, has a vile temper.

23. Suggestions of domineering ministers sometimes affect the emperor's decisions.

24. He's arrogant and domineering and never listens to anyone.

25. The domineering ambition of Hitler's Germany was not satisfied.

26. Many of her women friends also had domineering husbands.

27. I used to be bitter at heart, domineering, and violent.

28. Hattie was struggling to break free from her domineering father.

29. He was brought up by a cold and domineering father.

30. Meaning "domineering, fond of… See definitions of Bossy.

31. I wouldn't work for someone who tries to domineer over everyone as Mr.

32. And then the great leader must have a domineering personality.

33. Invoice this domineering devil for every minute of your time, Caroline!

34. Cower definition is - to shrink away or crouch especially for shelter from something that menaces, domineers, or dismays

35. Bossy definition, given to ordering people about; overly authoritative; domineering

36. Suddenly, a domineering parent knows everything, also about tennis strategy.

37. Researchers find that abuse is more common among families with domineering husbands.

38. Synonyms for Browbeats include bulldozes, bullies, cows, hectors, intimidates, badgers, coerces, domineers, dragoons and oppresses

39. 28 synonyms for Bossy: domineering, lordly, arrogant, authoritarian, oppressive, hectoring, autocratic

40. Bucko definition is - a person who is domineering and bullying : swaggerer.

41. Bossiest definition: domineering , overbearing , or authoritarian Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

42. Cathy's mother had been a martyr to her gruff, domineering husband.

43. I wouldn't work for someone who tries to domineer over everyone as Mr , Smith does.

44. Unlike other European leaders, she is neither charismatic, nor flashily intellectual, nor domineering.

45. Archer works with his domineering mother Malory, who also is his boss

46. Ive always liked him, and said that all he lacked was the domineering touch.

47. He always liked to say what was going to be done, he was very domineering.

48. (Genesis 3:16) This abusive domineering has not been the proper exercise of headship.

49. 5:1-3) Christian elders are not to be dictatorial, domineering, arbitrary, or harsh.

50. It was soon after that Mrs Rognes began her career, domineering the Ladies' Circle at church.

51. There had to be some way of putting an end to his domineering activities.

52. Cavalierly: 1 adv in a proud and domineering manner “he treated his staff Cavalierly ” Synonyms: disdainfully

53. Synonyms for Browbeating include bulldozing, bullying, cowing, hectoring, intimidating, badgering, coercing, domineering, dragooning and oppressing

54. The psalmist said: “Fix my own steps solidly in your saying, and may no kind of hurtful thing domineer over me.

55. She is a more acceptable creature in the eyes of society than the domineering Mrs. Proudie.

56. Or, the man may have grown up in an environment where many husbands are arrogant and domineering.

57. The program covers the study of domineering, nationalism, local institutions, politics, war, peacemaking, identity, security policies and environmental security.

58. Assertive is defined as someone who is self-confident and strong willed, though sometimes domineering or pushy

59. It pleased me to domineer over her, and she generally submitted to my tyranny rather than risk a hand-to-hand encounter.

60. “Ambiverts offer a good balance between the hypersensitivity of some introverts and the domineering attitude of some extroverts.” 30

61. (old) battle-Ax(e) A strong-willed, argumentative woman, typically older in age, who is considered overbearing or domineering

62. : to shrink away or crouch especially for shelter from something that menaces, domineers, or dismays They all Cowered silently in their places, seeming to know in …

63. Some societies teach that “real men” are domineering or that women need to be fiercely aggressive so as not to appear weak.

64. Bossed, boss·ing, boss·es To give orders to, especially in an arrogant or domineering manner: bossing us around

65. Quick definitions from WordNet (browbeat) verb: discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate verb: be bossy towards Also see Browbeats

66. As the impossibly overbearing Sir Anthony, he retains the lightness of touch necessary to keep us delighted and amused without compromising his domineering Bitchiness

67. Tr.v. Bossed, boss·ing, boss·es To give orders to, especially in an arrogant or domineering manner: bossing us around.

68. See also: always, Bully, coward big Bully Someone who is overly critical, domineering, or authoritative, or who is physically or psychologically abusive

69. (Ephesians 5:28, 29) An abusive, domineering, or unreasonable man not only jeopardizes the tranquillity of his home but undermines his relationship with God.

70. Li is introvert while his wife was domineering, and his parents treated him toughly when he was young, which made him want to kill them.

71. Adjective (Informal) domineering, lordly, arrogant, authoritarian, oppressive, hectoring, autocratic, dictatorial, coercive, imperious, overbearing, tyrannical, despotic, high-handed She remembers being a rather Bossy little girl.

72. Incompetent and negligent Abortionists, along with domineering boyfriends and sexual molesters, kill as many women each year as died of illegal abortions before Roe v

73. The only exception was a volatile affair with George Sand, a domineering, chain-smoking French novelist five years his senior, which began hesitantly in 18

74. 27 The only exception was a volatile affair with George Sand, a domineering, chain-smoking French novelist five years his senior, which began hesitantly in 18

75. 22 The coming-of-age story of a sickly, introspective Alaskan boy who makes friends with an Alaskan brown bear, to the horror of his tough, domineering father.

76. While all these words mean "to behave abjectly before a superior," Cower suggests a display of abject fear in the company of threatening or domineering people

77. Bullyrag: 1 v be bossy towards Synonyms: ballyrag , boss around , browbeat , bully , hector , push around , strong-arm Types: domineer , tyrannise , tyrannize rule or exercise power over (somebody) in a cruel and autocratic manner Type of: intimidate make timid or fearful

78. This page shows answers to the clue Browbeat, followed by 2 definitions like “(imp.) of Browbeat”, “To intimidate by overbearing looks or words” and “Discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner

79. Ballyrag: 1 v be bossy towards Synonyms: boss around , browbeat , bully , Bullyrag , hector , push around , strong-arm Types: domineer , tyrannise , tyrannize rule or exercise power over (somebody) in a cruel and autocratic manner Type of: intimidate make timid or fearful

80. Cajole: 1 v influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering Synonyms: blarney , coax , inveigle , palaver , sweet-talk , wheedle Types: soft-soap persuade someone through flattery browbeat , bully , swagger discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate Type of: persuade cause somebody to adopt a certain